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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Touring Brunei

Touring Brunei

Towards achieving higher economic diversity, Brunei is not left behind in this competitive effort especially in eco-tourism.

The government gives serious attention towards Brunei Darussalam’s natural environment. This is reflected in the country’s long term development plan. For example, millions of dollars have been allocated to support forest conservation program which includes to conserve and expand the natural forest’s resources. Its main objective includes developing various eco-tourism destinations, conserving trans-boundary forest and also to develop Tropical Biodiversity and Forest Conservation Centre. New facilities for tourist’s destinations and recreational parks have been build and present facilities have been improved in order to accommodate the increasing number of visitors.

Suitable to its strategic location as well as the country’s involvement towards conserving the biological diversity through the ‘Nadi Borneo’ program, Heart of Borneo (HoB) became part of the country’s future development structure and one of its priority is to channel it in educational systems. Although Brunei is still new in such type of involvement, the land which still consists of 70% tropical rainforest having remarkable proportion of biodiversity, provides habitats for the variety of flora and fauna endemic to the island of Borneo. There are still ‘wild’ and ‘virgin’ areas that has not been exposed. Some parts has the potential to be developed and may offer sweet and charming memories for the nature lovers.

The Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources through the Department of Brunei Tourism Development is actively implementing domestic tourism campaigns within the country itself through the KNK (Kenali Negara Kitani) or ‘Know Our Own Country’ campaign besides promoting the greenness and uniqueness of Brunei in other countries. Accommodation facilities are also no longer of major concerns. Compared to 20 years back, Brunei has shown many changes. There are much more choices of world-class hotels and not to mention the ‘homestay’ trends that are preferred nowadays. These accommodations are not only located in rapid developing towns within all the four districts, they also include the hinterland which offers great deal of price. For those of you preferring adventurous and challenging activities such as tracking or sight seeing the natural flora and fauna found in Brunei, I recommend you to have a stay in the ‘Ulu-Ulu Resort’ at National Park Ulu Belalong in the Temburong district. You will sure experience a difference.

Tourism has certainly brought handsome profits and returns to the country’s economy and prepares many labour opportunities to the locals. The effort in expanding this tourism field in Brunei Darussalam will strive towards making Brunei as a tourist attraction and interesting destination. Regarding the safety services, whatever you do and wherever you go, I truly believe that Brunei is a safe and peaceful place to enjoy the calmness away from heavy workloads and the city noisiness.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

USA to build new Military base in Spratly Islands -Negotiation with Philippines Government

Zachary S. Welch/AP - Two decades after evicting U.S. forces from their biggest base in the Pacific, the Philippines is in talks with the Obama administration about expanding the American military presence in the island nation, the latest in a series of strategic moves aimed at China.

Two decades after evicting U.S. forces from their biggest base in the Pacific, the Philippines is in talks with the Obama administration about expanding the American military presence in the island nation, the latest in a series of strategic moves aimed at China.

Although negotiations are in the early stages, officials from both governments said they are favorably inclined toward a deal. They are scheduled to intensify the discussions Thursday and Friday in Washington before higher-level meetings in March. If an arrangement is reached, it would follow other recent agreements to base thousands of U.S. Marines in northern Australia and to station Navy warships in Singapore.

Among the options under consideration are operating Navy ships from the Philippines, deploying troops on a rotational basis and staging more frequent joint exercises. Under each scenario, U.S. forces would effectively be guests at existing foreign bases.

The sudden rush by many in the Asia-Pacific region to embrace Washington is a direct reaction to China's rise as a military power and its assertiveness in staking claims to disputed territories, such as the energy-rich West Philippines Sea (South China Sea).

"We can point to other countries: Australia, Japan, Singapore," said a senior Philippine official involved in the talks, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the confidentiality of the deliberations. "We're not the only one doing this, and for good reason. We all want to see a peaceful and stable region. Nobody wants to have to face China or confront China."

The strategic talks with the Philippines are in addition to feelers that the Obama administration has put out to other Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam and Thailand, about possibly bolstering military partnerships.

The United States already has about 600 Special Operations troops in the Philippines, where they advise local forces in their fight with rebels sympathetic to al-Qaeda. But the talks underway between the Philippines and Washington potentially involve a much more extensive partnership.

Officials in the Philippines — which has 7,107 islands — said their priority is to strengthen maritime defenses, especially near the South China Sea. They indicated a willingness to host American ships and surveillance aircraft.

Although the U.S. military has tens of thousands of troops stationed at long-standing bases in Japan, South Korea and Guam, as well as the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, it is seeking to solidify its presence in Southeast Asia. Some of the world's busiest trade routes pass through the South China Sea and the nearby Strait of Malacca.

Instead of trying to establish giant bases reminiscent of the Cold War, however, Pentagon officials said they want to maintain a light footprint.

"We have neither desire nor any interest in creating a U.S.-only base in Southeast Asia," said Robert Scher, a deputy assistant secretary of defense who oversees security policy in the region. "In each one of these cases, the core decision and discussion is about how we work better with our friends and allies. And the key piece of that is working from their locations."

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Word War begin Hong Kong Vs Mainland China like West Philippines Sea (South China Sea)

Kong Qingdong, a direct descendant of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, stands in front of a painting depicting celebrities and world leaders, including a dancing Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, at the Confucius Peace Prize ceremony in Beijing December 9, 2011

For China's newest battle in the West Philippines Sea (South China Sea), look no further than Hong Kong.

As reported by India base news online, China's dominant website called the people of the Philippines, Vietnam and Southeast Asian (ASEAN) as beggars, dogs, dirty pigs and must be slaughter or be burn alive.

The semi-autonomous island is home to immoral people, most of whom are thieves, dogs and bastards, according to Kong Qingdong, a professor of Chinese studies at Beijing University.

"As far as I know, many Hong Kong people don't regard themselves as Chinese. Those kinds of people are used to being the dogs of British colonialists — they are dogs, not humans," Mr. Kong said in a recent interview on Chinese news website See video here

Mr. Kong's comments came after a recent survey from the University of Hong Kong in which 34% of Hong Kong's seven million people said they think of themselves as Chinese.

They were also in response to a debate that emerged after a video of a squabble between Hong Kong residents and mainlanders went viral last week. The video captured a subway squabble between a mainland visitor who was eating on the Hong Kong train and local passengers who informed her that eating on the subway was forbidden. See video here

The spat turned into a yelling match, sparking another passenger to hit the train's emergency button, calling for subway staff to intervene. After a train representative arrived, a Hong Kong passenger told him, "No need to speak to them. That's what mainlanders are like."

In Hong Kong, Mainland residents are better known for spitting and littering than they are known for their etiquette. "There is no denying that the manners and etiquette of some visitors from the mainland do not meet the standards set by the local Hong Kong residents. But poor manners are considered only a nuisance," said Huang Xiangyang, a writer for state-run China Daily, last week in an op-ed column addressing the subway brawl.

Mr. Kong's response to the video was not well received in Hong Kong. Protests erupted on the island over the weekend, according to Hong Kong broadcaster RTHK. Scores of Hong Kong citizens, many of whom brought their dogs with them, gathered at the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government, Beijing's main representative office in Hong Kong, urging China's mainland residents and officials to understand Hong Kong's values.

A battle has been brewing as of late between this special administrative region, still influenced by its history as a former British colony, and its onlookers to the north, who represent the world's second-largest economy and have a strong sway over the future of Hong Kong.

Earlier this month, 1,500 Hong Kong mothers took to the streets to protest the flooding of local hospitals by a growing tide of pregnant mainland women who rush to Hong Kong to give birth, ensuring their children are Hong Kong citizens and have access to the administrative region's schools and subsidized health care.

Also in January, hundreds of Hong Kong citizens rallied outside an outlet of the Italian luxury brand Dolce & Gabbana after the store's security told local citizens that only visitors from China's mainland could snap photos of the shop.

Tensions between China and Hong Kong have heightened since 1997, when British authorities returned Hong Kong to China after more than 150 years of colonial rule. Hong Kong residents, who speak Cantonese, not the mainland's Mandarin, and drive on the left side of the road, have been eager to preserve their own culture. Many are afraid that businesses are slowly pushing them aside, discriminating against them in favor of wealthy mainlanders with whom they feel they do not identify.

Mr. Kong warns Hong Kong residents who think they their morals are better than the mainlanders': "Don't have anything to do with us. We will stop supplying your water. We will stop supplying your vegetables. We will stop growing your rice. You can grow it all yourself."

A recognized descendent of Confucius, Mr. Kong last year participated in a ceremony awarding the Confucius Peace Prize, China's unofficial answer to the Nobel Peace Prize, to Vladimir Putin.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Memories of the Brunei Regatta

[The Managing Editor of Brunei Times asked me to write about the regatta in time for the Brunei River Regatta last Sunday. Usually my article on my column The Golden Legacy is every Monday but because the regatta was on Sunday, the column appeared on Sunday too and was published on 22nd January 2012. This article is based on a 2007 article which I wrote about Berjanawari which is the Brunei word

The Brunei River Regatta, Yesteryears 1930-1990

Saturday, January 21, 2012

USA & Philippines prepare for combat drills in the Spratly Islands Province of Palawan - claimed by China

U.S. and Philippine marine forces are preparing for the annual Balikatan Exercises (Shoulder-to-Shoulder) to hold combat drills at an oil rig in the Spratly Islands, Province of  Palawan - West Philippines Sea (South China Sea) island which are claim by china to bolster the defense of such sensitive facilities in a bold move that may provoke protests from China, which claims waters in the surrounding areas or near the location of islands which under controlled by china.

Lt. Gen. Juancho Sabban, commander of the Philippine military's Western Command, said that the exercises will be held in March or April 2012 off western Palawan province and should not alarm China because these will be done within Philippine territorial waters.

The drills involve U.S. Marines training their Philippine counterparts in defending and retaking oil and gas rigs captured by security threats like terrorists, Sabban said, adding military organizers from both sides did not contemplate on China as an imaginary target when they planned the drills.

"We need this special training so we can defend our oil and gas platforms," Sabban said. "We're doing it in an actual oil rig. We have many of these oil rigs we need to protect."

The drills are part of an annual joint military exercises by the longtime defense allies called Balikatan, which aims to improve the capability of the two countries' forces to respond militarily to threats that include terrorists, pirates and smugglers or deal with natural disasters.

The Balikatan or "shoulder-to-shoulder" exercises have mostly been done around the main northern Luzon Island in past years but will be held in Palawan for nearly a month starting in mid-March. More than 500 U.S. soldiers and marines, along with their warships and aircraft, will take part in the exercises with about 1,000 Filipino military personnel, Sabban said.

Aside from the combat drills, the military participants will undertake school repairs and medical missions.

"It's an annual exercise and should not cause any concern to China," Sabban said.

Still, the Balikatan exercises may likely invite Chinese protests.

Palawan province lies near the Spratlys, a potentially oil- and gas-rich chain of islands, shoals, coral outcrops and sand bars being disputed by China and the Philippines, along with Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei. The Spratlys have long been feared as Asia's next potential flashpoint for conflict.

China, which claims virtually all of the South China Sea on historical grounds, has routinely protested military exercises near the disputed territories. The Chinese Embassy in Manila did not immediately respond to an AP request for a comment.

Sabban said the upcoming oil rig drills will be held in Philippine waters northwest of Palawan near an area called Malampaya, site of the country's largest natural gas field.

It has been learned that China last year claimed new territory in or near the venue of the planned drills. The Recto Bank with 84.77 Nautical Miles from Mainland Palawan  and within the Philippine Waters was claimed by china.

China protested in July 2011 a publicly-announced plan by the Philippine government to explore for oil and gas in waters called "areas 3 and 4," the nearest point of which lies less than 50 miles (80 kilometers) from Palawan. The Philippines has dismissed China's claims, arguing the areas were well within the country's territorial waters and too far off mainland China, Energy Undersecretary Jose Layug Jr. has said.

The new areas being claimed by China are not part of the Spratlys because it is inside the Philippines 200 Nautical Miles Exclusive Economic Zone and at the Philippines Backyard.

The Philippines has appropriated more funds to protect Malampaya and outlying waters and secure foreign companies exploring for oil and gas, Budget Secretary Florencio Abad said. The Philippines received its Dividend from Malampaya Amounting to $1.1 Billion US Dollars which could be used to boost the needed Warfare upgrade to protect the areas of oil and gas exploration which was lately disrupted by china.

"What creates uncertainty is this looming threat coming from China," Abad said. "It hasn't really helped the cause of everybody who are active players in the region for China to be unpredictable and for countries not to be able to read the direction of Chinese government policy."

Beijing has been asserting its territorial claims more aggressively as its economic and diplomatic muscle has grown. In March 2011, two Chinese vessels tried to drive away a Philippine oil exploration ship from Reed Bank 84.77 Nautical Miles, another area west of Palawan.

Two Philippine air force planes were deployed, but the Chinese vessels had disappeared by the time they reached the submerged bank.

The Philippines did not mention if they are going to spend the $1.1 Billion US Dollars for Armaments upgrade but it was lately pronounced by Philippines President Benigno Aquino that they will upgrade and purchase a squadron F-16 Multirole jetfighter from the United States.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Brunei: 2011 in Review

[The Oxford Business Group had this report about Brunei on 19th January 2012]

Brunei: The Year in Review

Brunei Darussalam’s economy closed out 2011 in good health, with GDP rising, inflation under control and plans to build on existing strengths and develop new opportunities. However, concerns remain over the slowing global economic growth and how this may impact the country.Final figures have

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Philippines 3rd most preferred market for global fund - positive outlook

The Bank of America-Merrill Lynch survey citing the Philippines as the third most preferred market for global fund managers reflects the positive outlook for the Philippine economy that is enhanced by the accountability, transparency and good governance espoused by the Aquino administration, a Palace official said Wednesday.

Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said the Aquino administration remains positive that the Philippine economy will continue to grow amid the economic situation in the US and Europe.

"I think when the survey was taken, it has taken into account all the factors -- external and internal. The external factors are the factors that are experienced globally while certainly they look into the internal factors," Lacierda said.

"They have seen the promise of good governance . . . Our efforts to anti-corruption will certainly lead to good governance and would lead to a situation where the Philippines has been perceived as an attractive area for investment," he said.

The Bank of America-Merrill Lynch survey said the Philippines comes after China and Indonesia in the list of most preferred markets in the world for global fund managers.

"This is borne of expectations that in the wake of four credit upgrades, the country will be further upgraded to investment grade later this year. The survey also cites investor confidence being boosted by the President's reform agenda," Lacierda said.

"The simple fact is justice, accountability, transparency, good governance, and the improvement of the economy to accomplish inclusive growth are an indivisible whole. An economy that is inclusive is one in which citizens are empowered to improve their lives and contribute to the well-being of the national community," he said.

The Philippines received upgrades last year from London-based Fitch Ratings, from BB to BB+ and the Moody's Investors Services in June 2011. Standard & Poor's upgraded the country from stable to positive in November of 2010.

Meanwhile, Malacañang Wednesday hailed the Senate Blue Ribbon committee for recommending plunder charges against former President Arroyo for alleged mismanagement of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) funds.

Lacierda said the Office of the Ombudsman must now look into the fourth plunder complaint against Arroyo recommended by the Senate committee.

"The findings of the blue ribbon committee on the mismanagement and plunder of PCSO funds shows what happens when the misdeeds of the past are exposed to daylight. We commend Senator Teofisto Guingona III's graft-busting investigation. Congressional oversight is a crucial weapon in the fight to punish wrongdoing and hold erring officials to account," Lacierda said in a Palace news briefing.

"The ball is now in the court of the Ombudsman to file charges for plunder against the officials involved," he added.

Lacierda said the government is determined to rectify the wrongs of the past despite the obstacles set by Arroyo and her allies.

The Senate Blue Ribbon committee earlier claimed that Arroyo should be charged with plunder and technical malversation for the release of 325 million in PCSO intelligence funds in her last three years in office.

Three other plunder cases have been filed against Arroyo, currently under hospital arrest pending a trial for electoral sabotage charges. (With a report from Genalyn D. Kabiling)

More mammals in Brunei than whole of Borneo

By Azlan Othman

Brunei Darussalam is known for its pristine environment, rich natural resources and a high percentage of forest cover. A recent study conducted by Universiti Brunei Darussalam 'The Faunal Biodiversity Survey of Sg Ingei Protection Forest' has confirmed that mammals found in the forest are high in number compared to the rest of Borneo. This shows that the wildlife protection in Brunei Darussalam is still comparatively intact.

Minister of Industry and Primary Resources, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Utama Dato Seri Setia Awg Hj Yahya bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Hj Bakar said this at the National Planning Workshop on Wildlife Management in Brunei Darussalam yesterday.

"I believe that if the wildlife management in Brunei Darussalam is improved, the total number of wildlife could be sustained and our forest can be a safe sanctuary for the wildlife.

"Our management capabilities, as far as natural resources management is concerned, continue to develop at par with our regional and international counterparts. Our long-term development plan, Brunei Vision 2035, clearly provides for continuous efforts to conserve our country's remarkable biodiversity, rainforests and natural habitat.

"Thus, the formulation and development of an effective wildlife strategic framework would consolidate all wildlife management initiatives in the country giving specific focus on policy, institutional, research and development, and socio-economic concerns of wildlife resources management," Pehin Yahya said.

The minister also said, towards that end, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented to the transfer of wildlife matters to the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources in order to strengthen wildlife management and law enforcement considering that the natural habitats of this wildlife are already under the purview of the ministry.

"In view of this new development, it is very important to start with the right steps by inviting participation of our wildlife stakeholders in laying down constructive actions and initiatives needed.

"This workshop needs your constructive input, because the expected output of this workshop is expected to provide cross-cutting initiatives and concerns among development sectors of the country. Your technical and institutional knowledge will certainly guide us in the formulation of effective approaches at the national level and complement our own sectoral initiatives in attaining common objectives and admiration.

"Let us ensure that the output of this workshop would provide us more collaboration to further our research and development activities, economic opportunities and at the same time strengthen our wildlife law enforcement in view of the increasing wildlife crime in the region."

The minister also said that this workshop is very important to realise another milestone in the sustainable management of the natural resources of Brunei Darussalam. The Sultanate represents less than one per cent of the whole island of Borneo and yet its forests are among the richest in the world. This smallness at the same time exceptionally exposes us to environmental and ecological changes. Therefore we need careful and considered policy on wildlife.

Also present at the workshop was YAM Pengiran Muda Omar Ali, Curator of Natural History; Hjh Normah Suria Hayati bte Pehin Jawatan Dalam Seri Maharaja Dato Seri Utama (Dr) Hj Awg Mohd Jamil Al-Sufri, Permanent Secretary at the MIPR; Dyg Hjh Hasnah bte Ibrahim, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the MIPR; Hj Saidin Salleh, Director of Forestry; and other senior officials.

At the conclusion of the workshop, the participants are expected to come up with recommendations for an integrated and holistic management approach for the conservation and protection of the country's wildlife resources that address legal and policy concerns, administration and enforcement, research and development, human resource development needs and socio economic opportunities.

The MIPR through the Forestry Department, Agriculture & Agrifood Department, Museums Department under the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports with the support of TRAFFIC Southeast Asia is organising the national planning workshop.

Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Royal Brunei Airlines standardises Melbourne flight timings

From Feb 5, Royal Brunei Airlines passengers will have greater ease when making travel arrangements to and from Melbourne with its newly implemented flight timings that have been standardised for passengers' convenience, a press release stated.

With the new timings, the four times weekly flights from Bandar Seri Begawan will depart on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday at 12.20pm and arrive in Melbourne at 10.15pm.

Return flights will depart from Melbourne at 1.25pm and arrive in Bandar Seri Begawan at 5.35pm.

Deputy Chairman of Royal Brunei Airlines, Mr Dermot Mannion, stated, "This is just the first step to improve RBA's connections from Bandar Seri Begawan to Melbourne.

With the enhanced timings, our passengers from Brunei will feel as if it is merely a hop away to travel to the city of Melbourne."

Passengers may visit their travel agent or to book their flights.

Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Miri's Imperial Grand Suites offer luxurious living

MIRI: Imperial Grand Suites will be the jewel in the crown for one of Sarawak’s largest Shopping Malls, Boulevard Shopping Mall Kuching.

The latest entry is designed by award winning architect and developed by reputable Sarawak based Group of companies, Boulevard Enterprise (Kuching) Sdn Bhd.

Once completed and adjoining the mall, it will feature two blocks of contemporary three-room and four-room luxury sky view suites, where each apartment suite features a balcony with unblocked view, furnished with high quality internal specifications a complete kitchenette.

The suites offer unparalleled luxury living with exclusive beautiful landscaped terrace gardens, gymnasium, sauna and a roof top swimming pool as well the multiple-tier security with CCTV and other recreational and leisure facilities- all which redefine urban lifestyle.

A 40,000 square feet area of lifestyle and wellness zone located on the fourth floor where saunas, steam rooms and whirl pool, spa, reflexology, aerobics, yoga equipment and gymnasium will pamper you all the way.

Over 10,000sq ft of function concourse situated on the ground floor enables all kinds of trade exhibitions and fairs to promote trader’s businesses and products, as well caters for stage performances and shows.

With 1.7 millionsq ft of retail extravaganza, the new wing of Boulevard Shopping Mall will prefigure a new shopping kingdom with more exciting retail choices.

Residents are poised to enjoy the best of both worlds, tranquil service suites apartments, 24-hour concierge service, personalised service for housekeeping and dining and thriving shopping mall and hotel with a purpose built bridge linking both worlds.

Doorstep convenience, amenities and entertainments for movie buffs, games and karaoke, ample car parking (underground & multi-storey car parking complex) and hi-speed Wi-Fi broadband will add value to the suite apartments.

Continue reading (Incl. Pic) at: Miri's Imperial Grand Suites offer luxurious living

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Few Legends in Brunei Muara District

I first saw the title of this book in a list of references for one article in either Beriga (published twice a year by Dewan Bahasa) or Pusaka (published yearly by the Brunei History Centre), I can't remember which. I thought to myself then, I must find this book. That was about three or four years ago. I could never find it. Sometime last year, I saw this book being sold by Dewan Bahasa in

Safari on a raft

PADAWAN Bamboo Raft Safari — now, that may sound like Anakin Skywalker taking up a new hobby. But it is a bamboo rafting competition organised by the Padawan Municipal Council at Sungai Sarawak Kiri in Kuching.

It is one of the biggest events in the Padawan region and I am about to undertake the gruelling 3½-hour challenge.

There are over 100 teams — all are up early and stretched out by the river of Kampung Padawan. Everybody looks eager and ready to tackle the river.

Rafts are basically 4.6m long and 1.2m wide, made of tightly bounded bamboo, giving enough room for four team mates to take up arms and power it down the cool waters.

Options in paddling or pushing are given with either a small paddle or a long bamboo pole. I choose the pole, thinking that I have more advantage standing up and using my body weight to push the raft.

At 9am, the whistle to kick off the competition goes off. The excitement is rushing through the fluorescent life-jacket wearing rafters, most of whom smell of sun lotion and tuak (rice wine) from the night before.

At the sound of the whistle, my crew and I start our little expedition. We crash straight into some trees at the first corner!

“Hmmm ... not so bright future ahead,” I’m thinking.

I have to say it’s a lot harder than it sounds. It’s not just pushing this thing down a river.

You have to keep the raft balanced and navigate the rocks and little rapids in the water, all the while being distracted by the beautiful scenery.

Continue reading (Incl. Pics) at: Safari on a raft

MAS should not wait till Feb 18

Kota Kinabalu: State Industrial Development Minister, Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, said Malaysia Airlines (MAS) should resume the cancelled Kuala Lumpur-Sandakan flights immediately instead of waiting till Feb 18 in view of the coming Chinese New Year.

"Not only should MAS resume those cancelled flights, the airline should have considered additional flights to cope with the larger number of family members who wish to return to Sandakan for the Chinese New Year family reunions.

"Being a national airline with such a long record of aviation capability, it should have been able to provide more seats for this route for this festive season. MAS should realise this and act accordingly," he said.

Tan said the big question is why should MAS wait for Feb 18 to reestablish these flights when they should be doing so right away.

He was commenting on the fom Prime Minister's Department on Monday that after a meeting between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and senior management officials of MAS, the 11 times weekly direct flights between Sandakan and the main terminal of KL International Airport (KLIA) are expected to be resumed on Feb 18.

"This development goes to show that the Barisan Nasional Government is a responsible government that has the people's interest at heart.

"I am especially happy to see and thankful that the Prime Minister himself has responded so quickly to the plight of the people of Sandakan.

He has personally taken the matter up with MAS directly and produced positive result to correct a wrong action on the part of MAS," he said.

Tan said MAS made the wrong move to cancel the direct flights.

"Those direct air links from Sandakan, the second largest town in Sabah and the main commercial and industrial centre of the east coast of the state, are crucial to the tourism industry and other economic interest of the state.

"The people of Sandakan were rightly unhappy with the cancellation of the MAS direct flights. They had in fact expected those flights to be increased, instead of being cancelled," he said.

Continue reading at: MAS should not wait till Feb 18

Jesselton Mall to house Kota Kinabalu's exclusive outlets

Kota Kinabalu: Jesselton Mall is set to be the State Capital's premier exclusive retail outlets once completed in four years' time from now.

Integrated with the on-going Jesselton Residences development, the Jesselton Mall offers 123 retail lots for businesses.

"This development augurs well with the State Government's aspiration of making Sabah as the main shopping tourism destination in the region," said developer, Jesselton Waterfront Holding Sdn Bhd, General Manager, Kevin Thong.

The Jesselton Mall is designed to add greater value to Jesselton Residences, which is a high-end luxury condominium development, making it the city's premier address much like Orchard Road in Singapore.

Speaking to reporters here, Thong said the area where Jesselton Mall and its neighbour, Suria Sabah would be the new KK town.

Besides from walk-in customers and tourists, the business outlets in Jesselton Mall are also assured of customers from the occupants of the 333 condominium lots in Jesselton Residences, he said.

He said the Jesselton Residences project was selected as the only one from Sabah to participate in last year's investment forum in Shanghai, China in view of its high value as well as for the promotion of tourism.

Continue reading at: Jesselton Mall to house Kota Kinabalu's exclusive outlets

Philippines: Sen. McCain & Lieberman take PH side in West Philippine Sea dispute with China

Manila - The name John McCain is no stranger to the Philippines, It was here where as a young man the senator's father served as commander at the former US Naval base at Subic Bay. McCain first tasted freedom from years as prisoner of war touching down at Clark Field on the Island of Luzon.

With few exceptions; the American senator and his companions have probably one of the longest and strongest personal ties to the country. When McCain as well as Joe Liberman, as well as Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire met with Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert F. del Rosario; issues discussed included U.S. defense and development assistance to the Philippines.

McCain: Concern over intrusions into 'West Philippine Sea'

Senator McCain, who in his remarks referred to the "West Philippine Sea" and issues over Chinese Navy intrusions into the Philippine Province of Palawan's waters.

The DFA also briefed updated the delegation on US funded programs like "the Mindanao Peace Process, ASEAN, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Myanmar, climate change and the renewed engagement of the U.S. in the Asia Pacific. "

The Philippine Foreign Secretary expressed, "Appreciation for U.S. Senate Resolution 217, which was passed on 27 June 2011, which called for a peaceful and multilateral resolution to maritime territorial disputes in the disputed islets and reef just off shore of the Philippine Island of Palawan and over several hundred miles from China."

Del Rosario; also thanked the Senator for his position about the need to maintain freedom of navigation in the West Philippine Sea; and for stressing the need for U.S. support in defense of the Philippines as America's former commonwealth and oldest and closest ally in ASEAN.

Senator McCain, expressed "strong affinity" for the Philippines and noted the "long and friendly personal relationship" between the two countries, conveyed that the best way to avoid confrontation with China is to maintain freedom of navigation.

Secretary del Rosario also requested the U.S.' assistance on the Philippine Government's request for a third Weather High Endurance Cutter (WHEC), which would enable the Philippines to attain minimum credible defense posture and to enhance maritime domain awareness.

In response, Senator McCain committed that they "will try to get a waiver on the cutter" as he sees that it would be unreasonable not to give it" to the Philippines. He also said that they would do whatever they could to help the Philippines improve its maritime security." A media release on the event from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs said.

Lieberman: Philippine cooperation on counter-terror 2nd to none

As chair of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security, Senator Lieberman conveyed his gratitude for the Philippines' cooperation in counterterrorism and requested updates on the Mindanao Peace Process.

Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Rafael Seguis provided updates on the Government of the Philippines-Moro Islamic Liberation Front (GRP-MILF) Peace Process, and expressed optimism that a peace agreement will be signed between the two panels before the end of the Aquino administration.

The visit of Senator McCain and his delegation to the Philippines is part of their trip to Southeast Asia which includes Vietnam and Myanmar. The visit's purpose is to broaden and deepen the existing defense and security relations between the two countries.

The Quartet of US Senators met with Philippine President Benigno Aquino III later Tuesday night - Aquino who says he "Will continue to focus on the country's economic growth." earlier in the week he also welcomed Chinese investors into the country. Palace officials note both Taiwan and PRC investments are most welcome to Manila. But "Naval incursions are not" in side remarks to visiting US senators.

The Aquino Administration which says it is firm in "its commitment to good governance, it also would not waver in pursuing equitable economic growth, citing solid accomplishments such as creating an additional 2.1 million jobs last year, as well as having increased tourist arrivals by about a million additional visitors in 2011," Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda said in a statement released to the media on Tuesday afternoon said.

"The great strides that have been made in curbing corruption, fighting poverty, and promoting good governance—the achievements of the past one and a half years—are only indicators of the changes that will continue to sweep the Philippines in the coming years," he added.

In the recent meeting of the President with the members of the US Congress, Lacierda said the American legislators expressed their confidence in the reform agenda of the Aquino administration.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

US Senators Support Philippines in Spratly Islands Dispute

Four U.S. senators visiting Manila have been discussing the West Philippines Sea (South China Sea) territorial dispute and touting their support for the Philippines.

Arizona Senator John McCain reiterated the U.S. stance that there is no need to have any sort of confrontation with China over issues related to the West Philippines Sea (South China Sea).  But he also said it is important to strengthen U.S. ties with the Philippines.

"We think that it's important for us and other ASEAN nations as well as the Philippines to emphasize that we will do whatever we need to do in order to protect the principle of freedom of navigation, particularly in the West Philippine Sea," McCain said.

McCain and the other senators used the preferred local name when referring to the disputed sea, which has some of the world's most heavily traveled sea lanes. The region is believed to have vast oil and gas reserves and also provides abundant fishing.  China says it owns practically the entire sea based on a centuries-old map. But the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have claims to part or all of the sea.

Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut is a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.  He says keeping peace and order means always being ready for war.

"China has made claims over the West Philippine Sea - the South China Sea - that I don't accept and I know the Philippine government doesn't accept," said Lieberman. "The question is how do we reconcile those differences? I think we have a better chance of reconciling them peacefully, as Senator McCain says, if we both strengthen the Philippine military and we continue, and I hope even expand, our presence here on the waters here."

Lieberman pointed to the installation in the Philippines in August of a used American Hamilton-class cutter that is now the country's largest military ship. The Philippines is expected to take possession of another one this year and two more in the future. The BRP Gregorio del Pilar patrols waters along a natural gas drilling project in the West Philippines Sea.

China has expressed displeasure numerous times about U.S. input on the disputes in the Spratly Islands of the Philippines, such as vocal support for multilateral talks among claimant countries. China continues to emphasize one-on-one talks with each party.

2nd week of January 2012, the Philippines protested what it calls intrusions in mid-December 2011 by Chinese vessels and a military ship into waters it says were well within the country's exclusive economic zone. The United Nations designates an exclusive economic zone as a 370 kilometer or 200 Nautical Miles Exclusive Economic Zone (UNCLOS) area beyond a country's coastline. China extended its claim more up to the seas in Malaysia for more than 1000 Miles called the protest of the Philippines as baseless as their claimed that "they owned everything".

Last year, the Philippines cited about nine instances of alleged Chinese intrusions into its waters. One allegation accused Chinese boats of harassing an oil exploration ship. China has repeatedly said there were no intrusions.

Philippines reiterates call ASEAN members to take a decisive stand on Spratlys issue

The Philippines reiterated anew its call on the other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to take a united and decisive role in the resolution of the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) disputes by supporting its proposal that a meeting be held as soon as possible among the claimant states, including China, under the guidance of ASEAN.

"The Philippines calls on all ASEAN Member States to endorse this proposed claimant states' meeting, which the Philippines is ready to host. We would also welcome other ASEAN Member States to host this meeting if they would like to unequivocally express their support for and advance a rules-based approach in the region," Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said in his statement at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting (AMM) Retreat held in Siem Reap, Cambodia on January 11.

"The Philippines eagerly awaits ASEAN's response to this proposed meeting of claimant states," he added. The DFA chief also reiterated that a rules-based approach is the only legitimate way in addressing disputes in the West Philippine Sea and that the dispute settlement mechanism established in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is the fundamental principle of the rules-based approach being espoused by the Philippines.

Del Rosario said the rules-based approach under UNCLOS also calls for the resolution of disputes through peaceful means, thus the Philippines proposed to ASEAN the Zone of Peace, Freedom, Friendship, and Cooperation (ZoPFF/C) as the actionable framework to clarify and segregate the disputed land features from the non-disputed waters of the West Philippine Sea, and in the process, address the issue of the 9-dash line.

The Philippines also has stated that it is considering third party adjudication, arbitration or conciliation, as appropriate, in the context of the dispute settlement mechanism of UNCLOS.

"Thus far, we are pleased that fellow ASEAN Member States support the rules-based approach, which essentially calls for:

(1) Solving the issue peacefully,

(2) In accordance with the rule of law, particularly international law and UNCLOS, and

(3) The multilateral participation of various stakeholders to account for the various perspectives and interests. These principles are the very bedrock of our international order. We have all furthermore agreed that we have to move forward with the Code of Conduct," Del Rosario said.

Del Rosario also stated that as the ASEAN is working on building the ASEAN Community, "it behooves Member States to now play a positive and meaningful role to solve the disputes peacefully in accordance with the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) and reach a stage whereby we are able to help resolve sensitive issues decisively without letting such issues fester and adversely affect the progress of our bilateral or multilateral relations."

He further noted that all are eager to move forward on the Code of Conduct to resolve the issues in the West Philippine Sea and the Philippines is ready to accept a Code of Conduct that calls for the primacy of international law, including UNCLOS, in resolving the disputes in the West Philippine Sea.

"It is ready to accept a Code of Conduct that espouses the concrete and actionable activities to foster cooperation in the West Philippine Sea in the context of international law," Del Rosario said.

He also stressed that the Philippines is willing to commit to a Code of Conduct that addresses the very core of the issue and that is to define, clarify, and segregate the disputed areas from the non-disputed areas in the West Philippine Sea.

"I understand that these elements may require considerable focus to achieve our objective. As I have often expressed, ASEAN is at a critical juncture of playing a momentous role for the resolution of the disputes in the WPS/SCS. We must now muster the will as an ASEAN Community to face these sensitive issues with determination," he said.

Another 1970s Photo of Bandar Seri Begawan

I purchased this relatively old Bandar Seri Begawan photograph recently on the internet. This is a fairly common photograph and I have shown several versions about it. This view was taken from the mosque and over the years I have shown photographs and postcards showing the same view. But what I like about this particular photograph is the size of the photo, it was an 8R black and white and all

Sabah Air urged to talk to Brunei Airlines on setting up airline

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Air Sdn Bhd should consider talking to Royal Brunei Airlines (RBA) about its plans to set up an airline in Borneo.

This is because RBA is an established and successful airline, Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee said.

Yong pointed out that setting up an airline is not an easy feat to accomplish as it is much more complicated and risky.

There are more rules than land transport to abide by, he said during a press conference after launching SAPP’s “Sabah Economic Plan” here yesterday.

Yong was of the opinion that Sabah Air is not suited to start an airline because an airline has major risks.

“One miscalculation on the fuel prices will kill the company. It is the fuel price that is causing problem to AirAsia today,” he said.

According to Yong, in the past, when AirAsia took over MAS’ domestic route in Sabah with its subsidiary, FAX, there were so many problems at that time prompting him to propose that the State Government consider setting up some form of airline for Borneo.

“Tian Chua seems to have picked that up by having a Borneo Airlines. But we all know that an airline is not a simple thing, it is not a bus company … an airline is much more complicated and risky, there are more rules than land transport.

“So if some form of airline were to emerge in Borneo, I would feel that the first airline to talk to is Royal Brunei Airways (RBA) using Bandar Seri Begawan as a hub. RBA has this plan before, they want passengers coming to Sabah and Sarawak to stop over in Brunei. So it is possible that Brunei can be the hub. This is part of BIMP-EAGA,” he stressed.

Continue reading at: Sabah Air urged to talk to Brunei Airlines on setting up airline

Gaya Street to hold City Day heritage exhibition

KOTA KINABALU: Reminisce and learn more about Gaya Street, known as Bond Street in the past, with ‘Bonding with Gaya Street’ programme will be held at Lintasan Deasoka and Gaya Street on February 11 and 12.

Bonding with Gaya Street is a community heritage exhibition co-organized by City Hall and North Borneo History Enthusiasts (NBHE) in conjunction with Kota Kinabalu City Day celebration.

NBHE is a group on Facebook that was created by Beaufort entrepreneur Justin Sunam Wong on May 7 last year, whereby its members comprise history enthusiasts dedicated to discovering, preserving and sharing the rich heritage of Sabah.

Organizing chairperson of the programme, Datin Fazar Datuk Arif, said it is Gaya Street’s 61st anniversary this year. Many might not know that the first 17 shophouses built along an area called Bond Street are what we know as Gaya Street now.

On the communal level, the organizers will be collaborating with Gaya Street shop owners to host mini exhibits which include stories, photographs and artifacts contributed by the public for Gaya Street’s community heritage and history.

The exhibition will encompass the Gaya Street area, including an ‘A Go Go’ inspired concert called ‘Together Again’ to celebrate our veteran musicians and musical heritage.

“NBHE’s creative team intends to set Gaya Street abuzz from February 2 with the community heritage exhibition.

“The launch of the event and soft launching of a coffee table book will be on February 11, with the ‘Together Again’ music concert charting the popular musical journey of Sabah circa the 50s, and 60s in the evening,” said Fazar.

NBHE encourages members of the public to participate in the event by contributing their personal stories and photographs of Gaya Street. Stories and photographs can be emailed to, with full name and contact details included for accreditation purposes.

A collection dropbox with an on-location photocopier machine will be set up specifically for public contribution purposes at Kedai Kopi Sen Chong Wah on Gaya Street. The dropbox will be open from 11.30am to 6pm, Monday to Sunday.

Continue reading at: Gaya Street to hold City Day heritage exhibition

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Philippines' rising economy to Star in 2050

BANKING giant Hongkong and Shanghai Bank (HSBC) announced recently that the Philippines can be one of the world's top economies by 2050.

It is encouraging that this independent and credible financial organization sees the enormous potential our country has for economic growth, and that if this potential is nurtured, the outcomes will be concrete and tangible and will provide benefits for the nation and its people.

In the HSBC report, the Philippine economy is forecast to rise 27 places upward to 16th rank less than 40 years from now.

The Philippines was also marked as one of 26 "fast-growth" countries expected to register "an average expansion of more than 5 percent per year."

Despite a "very low level of development," the report says the Philippines is among those countries that has made "great progress in improving fundamentals. As they open themselves to the technology available elsewhere, they should enjoy many years of 'copy-and-paste' growth ahead."

The Philippines was noted as being one of the "truly remarkable hot spots in Asia…. The star performer, however, is the Philippines, where the combination of strong fundamentals and powerful demographics gives rise to an average growth rate of 7 percent for the coming 40 years."

Noted as contributing to the country's progress are the "improvements in its economic infrastructure," with the "fast-growing population…expected to increase the country's labor force, which likewise benefits from the quantity and quality of education."

HSBC projected the Philippines's average gross domestic product growth at 8.4 percent from 2010 to 2020, 7.3 percent from 2020 to 2030, and 5.8 percent from 2040 to 2050.

The report stated further the following top 5 projections:

  1. China is expected to become the No.1 economy,
  2. United States will follow China,
  3. India
  4. Japan  
  5. Germany

Germany will remain  in the top five, in that order.

Many smaller economies will move up, such as:

Many European countries may decline, especially those in Northern Europe, because of a smaller work force and the rise of developing nations—

Among the factors that contribute to long-term economic growth are demographics—the size of the working population—and the opportunities for each individual to be more productive.

In order to create a milieu conducive to promoting productivity, there must be the following significant factors: opportunities for education, democratic governments, and strong rule of law.

Factors that could derail progress are war, energy-consumption constraints, climate change, and barriers to population movement across borders.

The report comes with a caveat: "We openly admit that behind these projections we assume governments build on their recent progress and remain solely focused on increasing the living standards for their populations….Of course, this maybe an overly glossy way of viewing the world."

The Philippines under President Aquino is already putting those measures for growth in place. Economic growth showed a strong uptick in 2011, when the Philippine Stock Exchange closed with a 4.1-percent gain. This made it Asia's best-performing economy for the year.

In another report, to create a climate conducive to more growth, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is working toward "a unified trading bloc with free-flow capital by 2015." Electronic-trading links will be set up in Asian countries to "allow more investments and raise liquidity," starting in 2012 in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore, followed later by the Philippines.

In addition, the Aquino administration has taken larger steps toward fighting graft and corruption via the Good Governance and Anti-corruption Cluster (GGAC) Plan for 2012-2016, which was approved on January 3. It will simplify and integrate the government's anti-graft and -corruption systems.

Necessary legislations and policies will be reviewed and strengthened, while digitization and innovations in government operations will be promoted, backed by an aggressive advocacy and communication campaign. Once these measures are in place, the government expects the business and economic environment to improve further.

President Aquino said as much in his toast at the vin d'honneur at Malacañang on January 13 (the ceremony is the Palace's traditional New Year's celebration for the diplomatic corps):

"We have already made great strides in our fight against corruption and poverty, as well as in our thrust to create a progressive economic climate guided by fair and honest practices. Local and foreign groups have acknowledged our triumphs by investing in our country, by lauding our efforts in open governance, and by supporting our programs.

"At the heart of our work for the next year lies a desire to secure for our people a better standard of life, and a brighter future. And all of you present here today are crucial to achieving that goal.

"This year, we will strengthen the programs that work for our countrymen, such as those in education, health, housing, and others like our Conditional Cash Transfer Program.

"We will not relent in our quest to hold accountable those who seek to perpetuate the culture of impunity in our country.

"We will continue to ensure the safety of our nation: by upgrading our defense capabilities, and by working to achieve peace, while pursuing lawless and criminal elements.

"We will continue to sustain the growth of our economy and create opportunities for employment.

"These are not without their challenges, but I am confident that so long as we stand together and remain consistent in our service to the public, our countrymen will be behind us every step of the way, as we work toward success."

* * *

PCSO News: the PCSO will be taking care of the bills of the victims of the Pantukan, Compostela Valley, landslide who are in government hospitals, and will also be assisting the victims of the December 10 plane crash in Barangay Don Bosco, Parañaque City.

The Beechcraft nine-seater was en route to San Jose, Mindoro, when it crashed at 2:15 in the afternoon in a residential area. According to the police report, there were 13 casualties and 15 to 20 houses, including the F. Serrano Elementary School, were burned. Sixteen persons were injured.

The PCSO is also working on a quick-response disaster- management initiative and is drawing up guidelines for this in consultation with the Department of Social Welfare and Development. More PCSO branch offices will also be opened nationwide in order to better address the needs of its beneficiaries.

Atty. Rojas is the general manager of the PCSO. E-mail:
