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Monday, October 4, 2010

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park raises awareness on biodiversity through volunteer programme

LOK KAWI: The Lok Kawi Wildlife Park is planning to raise awareness of the biodiversity in Sabah to the public through its volunteer programme and is encouraging people to join in for a rare opportunity to work with zoos overseas.

Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) director Dr Laurentius N Ambu said that the park is undergoing a volunteer exchange programme that will send local volunteers to work with zoos overseas that has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the park.

“Sabah has a high biodiversity and we want to spread the message domestically and internationally to raise awareness since not many people know about this,” he said to reporters after launching the World Animal Day celebration at the park here yesterday.

He also added that the park has been seeing an increase of visitors, especially those from Japan, Australia and the United Kingdom.

During the launch of the ceremony, Huminodun the baby elephant that was rescued by the SWD Wildlife Rescue Unit made an appearance together with Unduk Ngadau 2010 Crystel Eve Hominodun William Mojimbun.

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