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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Al Gore and WWF unite for forest conservation in the Heart of Borneo

More than 600 hundred Indonesian government and business leaders joined former US Vice President and Nobel Laureate, Al Gore and WWF Indonesia’s CEO, Dr. Efransjah at a gala dinner to celebrate the United Nation’s International Year of the Forest and to discuss the role of business in finding forest solutions to the challenge of climate change.

Co-hosted by the Republic of Indonesia’s House of Regional Representatives (DPD), WWF-Indonesia and Global Initiatives (GI), the dinner was part of the 2011 Business for Environment (B4E) Forest Dialogue - the forerunner to the world’s leading international conference for business-driven action for the environment -the B4E Global Summit, organised by GI and scheduled for 27 - 29 April, 2011, in Jakarta.

As one of the world’s most influential voices on the environment and climate change, Mr. Gore delivered an exclusive keynote address sharing his vision for the role of forests in a sustainable future.

“The beginning of the U.N. International Year of the Forests is the perfect time to have the impressive collaboration that this dinner and forthcoming B4E gathering between the business community, government leaders and NGOs represents,” he said.

He went to outline the huge advantage for Indonesia to become the regional leader in the pursuit of a green economy in partnership with business.

“This may not be the easy choice today, but history will show that it is the right choice, morally, economically and environmentally,” he said.

Heart of Borneo - Green Business Network

WWF marked the event by launching a new initiative called the Heart of Borneo - Green Business Network (HoB-GBN). This network aims to get business engaged in delivering the Heart of Borneo Declaration, made by the governments of Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia in 2007, to conserve and sustainably manage the 22 million hectare of trans-boundary forests called Heart of Borneo.

WWF’s CEO, Dr Efransjah said: “we know the commitments under the Heart of Borneo Declaration cannot be achieved without the support of the private sector. Tonight, we highlight solutions for involving business in green growth and offer then a range of tools to help them to do that.”

Continue reading (Incl. Pic) at: Al Gore and WWF unite for forest conservation in the Heart of Borneo

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