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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Royal Brunei Airlines inaugural flight to Melbourne tonight

The inaugural flight by Royal Brunei Airlines to Melbourne, Australia will commence tonight, March 29. Four flights per week are scheduled, according to a press release.

The additional services to Melbourne will further strengthen the people to people links between Brunei Darussalam and Australia in education and tourism while also providing a valuable opportunity to further strengthen business links between both countries.

The Australian High Commissioner, Mark Sawers, indicated that the additional flights would provide greater accessibility to students and prospective students from Brunei Darussalam intending to undertake educational studies in Melbourne.

The Australian High Commissioner further emphasised the opportunities to further strengthen business ties between Brunei Darussalam and Australia by leveraging the existing strong business links between both countries to further develop new investment opportunities.

A delegation from the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources will be joining the inaugural flight as part of a working visit to Melbourne and Canberra. The delegation will be led by Dato Paduka Dr Hj Mohd Amin Liew bin Abdullah, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources. Also joining the working visit are the Chairman and Executive Members of the Brunei International Chamber of Commerce. The Austrade Senior Business Manager, Josie Abdullah, will accompany the delegation on their working visit to facilitate dialogues with both government and the private sectors.

The Australian High Commission would like to acknowledge the assistance provided by the Brunei High Commission in Australia and the assistance of the Victorian Government, Tourism Victoria and Austrade Visits Team in supporting the working visit.

Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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