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Friday, April 29, 2011

Sarawak local tourism industry needs more manpower

KUCHING: Permanent secretary of Tourism and Heritage Ministry Datuk Ik Pahon revealed that the local tourism industry needs more manpower to boost the industry and to achieve its target of recording 36 million tourists arrival nationwide.

Pahon said that the tourism industry focused on three Ps, which stands for People, Promotion and Product.

“However, there is a lack of human resources, especially foreign language speaking tourist guides,” he said during the signing of Memorandum Of Agreement between UCSI University and Grand Magherita and Riverside Majestic hotel here yesterday.

He said the industry needs more people with language abilities, experience and knowledge, in order to reach Sarawak’s target of having four million tourists this year.

He disclosed: “We are targeting to receive 36 million tourists nationwide by 2020. There is a need to upgrade the people’s competency, service, and quality, especially in hotel and hospitality as well as public transport services.”

He added that from January to February this year, the number of tourists visit had increased compared to last year, with foreign tourists arrival recorded an increase of 16 per cent and domestic at nine per cent.

On this note, UCSI has launched its Diploma in Hotel Management with work-based learning modules which will commence this coming May with its first intake of 25 students.

The partnership between UCSI and leading hotels will require the diploma students to undergo a total of 10 months training with the hotel of their preference, to ensure students are equipped with the best artillery for the industry when they face the real working world.

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