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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Danum Valley research boost

KOTA KINABALU: Research efforts into micro-organisms and insects at the Danum Valley in Sabah's east coast are about to get a boost.

The Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry plans to fund Yayasan Sabah research programmes undertaken in collaboration with the Royal Society's South-East Asia Rainforest Rehabilitation Research Programme (SEARRP).

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili said that the study was important as the conservation area was globally known for its nature assets and research facilities.

The role of insects and micro-organisms in the tropical forest ecosystem is crucial to maintain biodiversity sustainability and natural resource renewal.

Dr Ongkili said insects and micro-organisms had huge potential for medical biotechnology such as sources of enzymes and anti-toxins for known ailments and for manufacture of pharmaceutical products.

Dr Ongkili, who visited Danum Valley on Monday, said that a tripartite memorandum of understanding would be signed between the Royal Society, Yayasan Sabah and the ministry's National Biotechnology Institute after specific terms are finalised.

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