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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Pha Ngan IslandPha Ngan Island, about half hour’s boat ride north of Samui Island, has become the island of choise for those who find Samui Island too crowded or too expensive. It started out as a sort of ‘back-door escape’ from Samui Island but is well established now, with a regular boat service and over 156 places to stay around the 190 sq km island. It’s definitely worth a visit for its remaining deserted beaches (they haven’t all been developed) and, if you like snorkeling, for its live-coral formations.

Although hordes of backpackers have discovered Pha Ngan Island, the lack of an airport and relative lack of paved roads has so far spared it from tourist – hotel and package-tour development. Compared with Samui Island, Pha Ngan Island has a lower concentration of bungalows, less crowded beaches and coves, and an overall less ‘modern’ atmosphere. Pha Ngan Island aficionados say the sea food is fresher and cheaper than on Samui’s beaches, but it really varies form place to place. As Samui Island becomes more expensive for both travelers and investors, more and more people will be drawn to Pha Ngan Island. But for the time being, overall living costs remain about half what you’d pay on Samui Island.

Except at the island’s party capital, Hat Rin beach, the island hasn’t yet been infested with blaring videos and stereos.

Pha Ngan Island

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