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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Jakarta speech?

It's official. Barack Obama took the oath of office, moved his stuff into the White House, and George W. Bush is headed back to the tumbleweeds of Waco. Millions of people witnessed it all, so it must've really happened.

So now that it's logged in the history books, the countdown clock begins on Obama's major address in a Muslim capital. It's been alluded to many times, will set the stage for a new era of relations between America and the world, and is supposed to take place within his first 100 days of office. Given his personal history, you've gotta think it's going to be in Jakarta. And what a triumphant return it will be, for a scrubby little kid who loved his nasi goreng.

As he mentioned in his inaugural address, "To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect." New era, indeed! Book your Jakarta hotel room now, because surely an Obama visit is in the works.

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