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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lower air fares will encourage domestic tourism

KOTA KINABALU: Malaysians prefer to holiday overseas as they get better bargains, compared to visiting their own country, Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun called on Firefly, a subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines (MAS), to have a built-in mechanism offering lower airfares as an effort to encourage domestic tourism.

“Holidaying overseas sounds much better to Malaysians, but it affects domestic tourism. There should be a balance for us when traveling, because holidaying within our country will control the outside flow of the Ringgit.

“For one Malaysian to holiday abroad, we lose one local tourist in the country,” he said when representing Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman to welcome the inaugural Firefly flight to the state capital from Kuala Lumpur at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport yesterday.

Masidi gave an example of the promotional fare of RM99 to London while to travel to Sandakan, one will have to fork out about RM400.

“This is a simple issue which needs to be tackled,” he said.

Firefly managing director Datuk Eddy Leong, when asked to comment on the matter, said: “I think prices depend on supply and demand. If the supply is more, then players tend to do anything to get passengers. However, we want to continue to be committed to our tagline as a community airline.”

On another development, Masidi also proposed to Firefly and other airlines, to consider conveying conservation message to their passengers to protect nature.

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