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Monday, February 21, 2011

Brunei villages urged to tap eco-tourism potential

By James Kon

Eco-tourism is one of the main attractions in Brunei Darussalam and is expected to grow 15 per cent yearly.

In light of the vast opportunities in eco-tourism, Sheikh Jamaluddin bin Sheikh Mohamed, CEO of Brunei Tourism, has urged all mukims as well as villages nationwide to look for their own uniqueness and promote their areas as tourist hot spots to attract more tourists to Brunei.

Sheikh Jamaluddin spoke at the Chinese New Year get-together function at the Wasai Batu Mapan recreational park, an area that was developed by Pad Nunok Consultative council, Mukim Kiudang as a tourism site.

The CEO of Brunei Tourism said, "We at the Brunei Tourism have always welcomed the efforts of villages in enhancing tourism products that can show the uniqueness of villages.

"Eco-tourism is one of the strategies that the Brunei Tourism places importance on. And I have gone to visit various unique tourism sites in the country, many of the sites can be developed and become major tourist attractions," he said.

However he also advised the organisers that they should also think of their capacity whereby the number of tourists visiting the unique places in the villages need to be controlled in order to protect the environment.

He urged all the mukims and villages to always look for opportunities to develop their uniqueness to help further increase Brunei's tourism potential.

Sheikh Jamaluddin also said that in the next two weeks, he will head a group of tour agents and hoteliers to the Wasai Batu Mapan recreational park to take a closer look at the area in the hope of adding the recreational park as one of the must-see places for foreign as well as domestic tourists.

Later, Hj Musa @ Matasin bin Hj Matussin, village head of Pad Nunok Tutong presented a souvenir to Sheikh Jamaluddin.

During the ceremony, Sheikh Jamaluddin also had the privilege to hand over a donation to a paralysed patient Leong Fook Ing. The donation was received by a relative of Leong.

The event saw an array of entertainment including Lion Dance, Chinese traditional dance, Dusun community dance and also Malay dance performances.

Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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