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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Culture, Adventure and Nature (CAN) as main attraction in Sarawak tourism

CULTURE, adventure and nature (CAN) products continue to be Sarawak’s main tourism attractions said Tourism and Heritage Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg in his winding up speech yesterday.

He also informed the august house that the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia had approved the homestay programme application for Uma balor, Sungai Asap involving 12 participants.

“In an effort to engage and diversify the income of our rural communities, the ministry has put emphasis on building community-based eco-tourism activities and programmes,” said Abang Johari.

He added it augurs well for the ministry’s plan to do a thorough study to catalogue and audit the attractions of the area, including the identification of required tourism infrastructure and support services for the purpose of construction and upgrading.

Abang Johari added the ministry will also work closely with Pelagus, Bekenu and Lingga members to develop the tourism potential in their respective areas.

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