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Monday, July 11, 2011

The doom of the corrupt Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines.

The Evil at the back of the fancy faces of Roman Catholic Priests in the Philippines.

Roman Catholic Church which introduced by the Spaniards to the Philippines exercised the 2 faces of evil and good from the beginning of its existence in the Philippines. The Roman Catholic churches during the Spanish times are already corrupt and wicked but they have two faces to allure the people by preaching the word God and by asking payment for their services "Tax free".

The recent scandal of the Roman Catholic Church is a wakeup call to their members that even priest which they considered as clean, pure and even respected next to God is dirtier and sinner than the ordinary followers. The priest is preaching good news but behind the scene, they are pedophiles, corrupt and evil. It has been also observed by many members and followers of the church that during the humily; the decision and ideas of the priest is not fixed and easy to change when money and politics will intervene. The stands of the Catholic Church are shameful and unworthy for praises and consideration. 

Roman Catholic members divided many times as other believers followed the right path while other priest is doing the wickedness. During the time of the Philippine National Hero Jose Rizal, he is already opposed of the sinful act of the priest as of being liar which mentioned in the Noli me Tangere "the Padre Damaso".

The history of Aglipay church or the Philippine Independent Church (Iglesia Filipina Independiente) separated from the Roman Catholic is because of the Padre Damaso Issues. Before the official founding of the Philippine Independent Church, Jose Rizal is already the first member and follower of the independent movement church that triggered the patriotisms of the early Filipinos against the Spaniards.

The History repeats itself – Padre Damaso comes Alive in the Roman Catholic Church.

Roman Catholic Church leaders in the Philippines apologized (July 11, 2011) to their followers for a scandal involving of illegal pork barrel to the Roman Catholic bishops in return for a political favor to the administration of Gloria Arroyo. The Roman Catholic bishops accept the illegal fund from the former president in return of a political favor amidst its trial for corruption and election fraud.

Philippine lawmakers began investigating allegations last since first week of July that the government's lotto operator made illegal donations in exchange for political favors from influential church leaders friendly to ex-President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

A pastoral letter issued by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines assured followers that the bishops concerned "are ready to accept responsibility for their actions and to face the consequences if it would be proven unlawful, anomalous and unconstitutional."

The statement issued at the end of the bishops' biannual assembly also said the CBCP would "re-examine the manner of our collaboration with government agencies for purposes of helping the poor, making sure that pastoral sensibilities are respected and the highest ethical standards are observed."

The chairman of the state-run Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, Margie Juico, told senators last week that an audit showed that at least 6.9 million pesos ($158,600) in charity funds were used to buy five vehicles upon the request of several bishops.

Juico said one bishop asked Arroyo for a brand new car on his 66th birthday in 2009 and received a sports utility vehicle worth 1.7 million pesos ($39,000).

Such donations would violate a law prohibiting the use of state funds for religious purposes.

The lotto operator raises funds for health care and other social services. The agency routinely donates ambulances to poor municipalities around the country.

"We are sorry for the pain and the sadness that these events have brought upon you," said the pastoral statement read at a news conference Monday by Bishop Nereo Odchimar, the CBCP president.

The statement added that bishops received the donations without malice and out of their sincere desire to help the people. They failed to consider the "pitfalls to which these grants could possibly lead them," it said.

The statement said the bishops have expressed their readiness to do everything necessary to heal the wound caused by the controversy.

The CBCP is collegial body of bishops that formulates joint pastoral policies and programs.

Arroyo, who rarely directly responds to allegations against her, was elected a member of the House of Representatives after she stepped down last year. She was traveling out of the country and her spokeswoman made no comment.

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