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Thursday, November 17, 2011

China funded arroyo to deteriorate Aquino’s Plan in Bali – strengthening Philippines Spratlys

China plot Leaks! China funded Arroyo and the Supreme Court of the Philippines to deteriorate the President Aquino's plan meeting with the ASEAN leaders in Bali, Indonesia to discuss the disputed in the Spratlys.

The Plan A, B & C of China to win over the Spratlys is already formulated prior Aquino precede to office on June 2010.

The last visit of the high Chinese official to the Philippines is to reenact and revitalized their plan and shifting the old plan giving a full support to Arroyo to deteriorate Aquinos' government. Mrs Arroyo is a very close friend of China during her more than 9 year term and even one of the signatories of the Spratlys' 3 country controversy that also involves Viet Nam which hurts other claimants like Malaysia Brunei and Indonesia.

China funded arroyo and bribed the Supreme Court of the Philippines to deteriorate the Aquino's Plan in Bali, Indonesia in meeting with leaders to support the Spratlys peaceful claim.

China won over Aquino's plan as Aquino loss the loop of the opening of the ASEAN meeting and failed to meet leaders.

Today, Friday November 18, 2011 is the other day of showdown with the  aggression of Mrs. Arroyo's plan to exasperate the President Aquino in Bali and focus in the Philippines issue instead of solving the South China Sea (West Philippines Sea) disputes with the ASEAN leaders.

According to the information leaked to us from an insider and our reliable source who have access in China's plot for Spratlys that links arroyo and other powerful officials of the Philippines; China start rejoicing as the Aquino' Plan failed in meeting important people in Bali and they will do all efforts to divert the mind of the President from focusing the issues about Spratlys in Bali into the recent issue with Arroyo in the country.

Aquino must focus

Justice Secretary De Lima is empowered by the President Aquino to do all legal means to stop Arroyo from leaving the country and to face the charges against her for high level graft and corruption and Election sabotage in 2004 election.

According to a political analyst; Aquino is elected by the People of the Philippines and must exercise his full power granted by the people to protect the country and his people against the attack of neighboring countries with ambition to invade the territory of the Philippines, using the former president of the Philippines as an instrument for the China's success in claiming the whole Spratlys and Palawan Islands. He also added that China will not stop their plan and the government must expect many surprises in every special event.

President Aquino must focus in meeting with important people in Indonesia and leave the issue to De Lima and to the arm forces of the Philippines if needed.

The Arroyo's case is an extra high profile case as the worlds' emerging world super power china is in her back to destabilize the Aquino's Administration.

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