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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Two events set to lure tourists to Sarawak's Penrissen area

KUCHING: Two new sports and tourism-related events in Bengoh constituency were launched yesterday by Assistant Minister of Public Health Dr Jerip Susil, who is also Bengoh assemblyman in conjunction with Respdemop Jogathon 2011 at Kpg Semadang.

The events – Sarawak River Treasure Hunt 2012 and Borneo Rainforest Run 2012 – are organised by an event management company – Ma’asa Event Management – owned by a local Bidayuh by the name of Ceasser Robert.

The Sarawak River Treasure Hunt will be held at Semadang River in July next year, starting from the river bank at Kpg Semadang to Kampung Danu upstream of Semadang River. The participants will spend a night at the village’s homestay. The Borneo Rainforest Run 2012 will be held in September at the Semadang-Skio road.

Ceasser said the events would be organised jointly with JKKKs of the two villages – Semadang and Danu.

He said the events would target local and foreign participations to complement the Tourism Ministry’s effort to lure tourists to the Penrissen area, one of interesting tourism destinations in the state.

The two events would be made merrier with live music, souvenir bazaar and food and drink stalls.

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