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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Brunei Tourism to boost more tourists from China

By Azlan Othman

Chinese tourists are attracted to Brunei Darussalam's pristine and lush rainforests, Islamic cultural heritage and fascinated with the world-class golf course at the Empire Hotel & Country Club.

This observation was made by Mr Song Kai of Beijing Longway International Travel Service (BLITS) Co Ltd, the Chief Representative of Brunei Tourism Beijing Representative Office, who spoke to the Bulletin after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Brunei Tourism and BLITS yesterday.

Signing on behalf of Brunei Tourism was Sheikh Jamaluddin bin Sheikh Mohamed, the CEO of Brunei Tourism. On hand to witness the signing of the MoU was Dato Paduka (Dr) Hj Mohd Amin Liew Abdullah, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry & Primary Resources.

In a bid to boost the number of tourists from China to the Sultanate, Brunei Tourism has appointed BLITS to be its first-ever Marketing and Public Relations Representative Office in China.

This is a new milestone for Brunei's tourism industry, as it will now be easier to promote the Sultanate as a tourist destination to the travel industry, media and people of China.

Specialising in marketing, planning and public relations representation services through its international and domestic partners, BLITS will assist in promoting the Sultanate as a travel destination and further boost tourist arrivals from Hong Kong and China.

As many as 22,000 tourist arrivals by air from the Far East market into Brunei were recorded last year. According to the latest figures from Brunei Tourism, the goal for 2011 is to increase this figure by some 20 per cent, which is a realistic target, as RBA has four-times weekly service from Shanghai to Bandar Seri Begawan.

BLITS will be promoting the charms and attractions of the "Kingdom of Unexpected Treasures" mostly to the leisure, family and senior market segments, positioning Brunei as a safe and peaceful destination that offers a variety of cultural and natural attractions such as pristine and easily accessible rainforests, a rich Malay, Islamic and royal heritage, and wholesome activities such as world-class golfing or diving.

"After Australia and China, we might appoint a representative for the European market. As for the next strategy, we will unveil our Tourism Master Plan probably in May or June highlighting eco- and sports tourism," Sheikh Jamaluddin said.

"Though oil prices have increased of late due to the crisis in the Middle East, making it more expensive to travel ... the tourism prospect for the Sultanate (still) looks good," the CEO of Brunei Tourism added.

Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

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