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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jumbo ride for 2 ailing kids at Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

KOTA KINABALU: It was all smiles for two terminally-ill children when their dream to be close to nature became a reality yesterday.

Mohd Adha Sarifuddin and Intan Marisya Eilya Marianizam, both animal lovers, had a field time at the Lok Kawi Wildlife Park, accompanied by their parents and friends.

Adha and Intan wasted no time when they were told to climb on the elephant. It was impossible to believe that these children were battling cancer and leukemia.

"I am having a great time," said the chirpy 4-year-old Intan from Perak as she climbed on the buggy that took them around the park.

Her parents, Marianizam Abu Bakar, 36, and Norhaliza Jaapar, 29, shared her enthusiasm as they snapped memorable photos of the little girl with the wildlife.

"She just loves animals. She would play with cats, chicken, ducks, fish and even the neighbour's rabbits back home," said Marianizam.

Adha was also enjoying himself. Apart from the elephant ride, the duo also had the opportunity to get close to Borneo's primates - the Orang Utan and Proboscis Monkeys.

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