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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Development and conservation of Marudu Bay

KOTA MARUDU: Marudu Bay, which is rich in biodiversity, mangrove swamps and marine resources, can contribute to enhanced economic activities for Kota Marudu through eco-tourism and fishery activities.

Marudu Bay covers Kudat, Pitas and Kota Marudu districts right up to Pulau Banggi. Its valuable resources have been recognised and Marudu Bay is part of the five-country continental shelf and the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security, as well as part of the proposed one million hectares Tun Mustapha marine park in northern Sabah.

Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili said his ministry is funding studies conducted with Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Universiti Malaysia Sabah to develop, conserve and manage Marudu Bay while identifying sustainable economic activities.

“The ministry is initiating these scientific studies to ensure that the rich resources are protected and also utilised for economic activities through sustainable development. But these efforts must involve the people who must be aware of the need to protect and conserve the environment and natural resources,” he said.

Dr Ongkili said this at an event of the Forestry Department to hand over funds to 26 secondary schools, primary schools and NGOs in Kota Marudu to conduct environmental conservation and awareness programmes.

Each of them received between RM1,000 and RM500 from the allocation given by the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry to members of parliament to encourage such activities in their constituencies.

Dr Ongkili stressed that physical and economic development is hollow if it does not go hand in hand with emphasis on conservation and protection of the environment.

The member of parliament for Kota Marudu said that appreciation of the environment must also be a priority and a part of life for all Malaysians in the nation’s quest to become a developed nation by 2020.

Continue reading at: Development and conservation of Marudu Bay



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