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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

End Gadhafi' 42 year rule in Libya- USA and Allies with the Libyan People celebrates for Victory!

Gadhafi 42 year rule - Game Over

Massachusetts— As Libyan people celebrated in Tripoli, President Barack Obama declared that Moammar Gadhafi’s long rule is over. “The future of Libya is in the hands of its people,” he said.

Speaking Monday from a rented vacation home on Martha’s Vineyard, Obama heralded US and international military efforts that helped bring about the outcome. But with Gadhafi’s precise whereabouts unknown, Obama cautioned that uncertainty and threats remained.

He urged Gadhafi to surrender and end the bloodshed, and the opposition to seek a just transition into an uncertain future.

“The rights of all Libyans must be respected,” he said. “True justice will not come from reprisals and violence; it will come from reconciliation and a Libya that allows its citizens to determine their own destiny.”

The crumbling of Gadhafi’s 42-year rule was being described by some analysts as vindication of Obama’s much-criticized decision to limit US involvement in Libya and let NATO take control after the US led the initial air campaign in March.

Obama stopped well short of declaring a military or political victory, leaving it to a spokesman to credit US strategy and “the president’s robust leadership” with producing “a lot of favorable results.” But the president highlighted NATO’s success after months of doubts about whether the alliance would be able to prevail.

“NATO has once more proven that it is the most capable alliance in the world and that its strength comes from both its firepower and the power of our democratic ideals,” Obama said.

And with his re-election campaign under way and a war-weary public focused on jobs, Obama was quick to note that it all happened “without putting a single US troop on the ground,” a policy that aides said Obama would maintain.

It has come at a cost, though: The Pentagon says that as of July 31, the US had spent about $820 million, including the daily military operations, munitions and humanitarian assistance.

Obama’s comments Monday were his first since a weekend push by the rebels into the Libyan capital, and since he arrived on this island retreat off the coast of Massachusetts on Thursday for a 10-day stay.

On Monday, Obama was briefed over the telephone by top national security staff, including Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. Then he donned a suit jacket to speak to the press in the yard of his rented waterside farm, before heading out to play basketball.

Obama also fit in a call to British Prime Minister David Cameron, as the US and international partners that have recognized the rebel Transitional National Council worked to find a way forward. Secretary of State Clinton telephoned the leader of the Libyan Transitional National Council on Monday.

A State Department spokesman said Monday that no decision had been made about whether to send US experts to Libya to help prevent the Gadhafi regime’s massive arsenal of anti-aircraft missiles from slipping into the hands of terror groups.

US intelligence also has been “keeping a close eye” on Gadhafi’s chemical arsenal, which “at this point appears to be well-guarded,” according to a US official briefed on the Libyan operations, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss matters of intelligence.

An Obama administration official said Monday that US officials and NATO partners had not been in contact with Gadhafi during the siege of Tripoli. The US has no indication that Gadhafi has left Libya. If Gadhafi were captured in Libya, the official said it would be up to the Transitional National Council to determine whether he might be tried in Libya or transferred to the International Criminal Court.

Also Monday New York Democratic Sens. Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand asked the Transitional National Council to arrest Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie airplane bomber who was freed by the Scottish government in 2009 after prison doctors said he had prostate cancer and three months to live. He still is alive

The Philippines will celebrate as Gadhafi game over

Moammar Gadhafi is the author of the 1970’s Muslim’s rebellion  in the Southern Philippines. Using the money for the Government coffer of Libyan People; Moammar Gadhafi purchased high powered armament and shipped to Mindanao Muslim people and challenged them to fight against the Philippines’ Government for independence.

Gadhafi is the mastermind of the trouble and disarray of the Filipinos in the Southern Philippines. He brainwashed the mind of the Muslims in Mindanao to claim the Philippines as a Muslim State and initiate rebellion, killing and beheading people which victims already reached up to 150,000 as of 2010.

Despite of the fact the Filipinos have the same origin and only divided in beliefs, Muslim rebels in the Philippines separate themselves and pronounced their difference between Christianity and other faith.

When we look at the history; prior to the Majapahit and Sri Vijaya Empires; People of the Philippines are atheist. They prayed to moon, Sun, big trees, stones and animals but when the Arabian missionaries reached up to the archipelago, most locals were converted into Islam.

 We back in March 15, 1651 when the Portuguese explorer re-discovered the Philippines’ archipelago, they introduced Christianity and converting almost all locals into Christianity.

Some other who are in the most remote part of Mindanao were not converted and remain to be Islam until in the present times.

The group of people who remains to practiced Islam now claiming that they owned the Mindanao rejecting the fact that all people have the same origin except the migrants and squatting the land of Christians who refused to convert into Islam and exercising dictatorship in religion which massive squatting happened during the time of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo after she signed the MILF agreement.

The long battle against the Muslim separatist in Mindanao which been started by Moammar Gadhafi remains in trouble which hoping that this end of Gadhafi rule will be the end of conflicts in Mindanao.

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