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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Turtle conservation awareness campaign in Sabah ends on a high note

KOTA KINABALU: The organizers of the Turtle Conservations Campaign 2011 are hopeful that awareness would be created among the public on the importance of keeping the endangered sea creatures safe.

According to Sabah Parks Board of Trustees Deputy Chairman, Patrick Jilan, many efforts have been taken to both conserve Sabah’s turtles as well as to create awareness about it. This includes the campaign he officially closed yesterday.

“I am glad to know that some 4,066 people came and visit this campaign and its exhibitions besides participating in the many activities we have organized throughout the three days.

“We did not expect to see this many people to show up and on behalf of Sabah Parks, I would like to express my pleasure to learn of this and thank the organizing committee for doing a good job in executing the campaign,” he said in his closing speech.

He said that the great turnout during the campaign illustrates how much the people of Sabah cares about the environment and specifically to our beloved turtles and that the conservation process is on the right track.

“We have held many activities which catered to people of all ages. For the children, we held a special drawing and coloring competition and saw 87 children happily participating.

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