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Friday, June 3, 2011

The Philippines will file a new protest at the United Nations for China's 6 series of Invasion in the Philippine Waters

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) shows the light Blue Dotted line as 200 Nautical Mile Economic Zone for the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, China and Indonesia. The Blue dotted line includes most part of the Kalayaan Island Group (Spratly) of the Philippines. UNCLOS did not show any territorial rights for China in the West Philippine Sea of the South China Sea which is Within the Philippine water and closer to the Kalayaan Island Group of the Philippines. The Philippines recorded already 6 invasion by china to the West Philippine Sea.

The Philippines will file a new protest at the United Nations accusing China of territorial incursion, the president said Thursday in an escalation of spats over disputed West Philippine Sea of the South China Sea islands.

China's Embassy in Manila earlier denied the Philippine government's allegations its ships intruded into the Spratly Islands close to the Philippine coast to build new structures and fortify its claim in the potentially oil-rich region.

President Benigno Aquino, speaking to Filipino reporters during a visit to Brunei, said that the Philippines is planning to file a new protest at the U.N. for a series of incursions.

"There are six or seven (incursions) happening after February 25, 2011. We are completing all the necessary data and then we will present it to them (China) and then file it with the appropriate body, which is the U.N.," he said.

Aquino said he is still hoping to visit Beijing later this year, and will engage China, a key trade partner, in talks during upcoming regional summits.

The disputed Spratlys, which are believed to be atop vast oil and gas reserves, have long been feared as a potential flash point of armed conflicts in Asia. The chain of largely uninhabited islands, reefs and banks which are within 200 Nautical Mile Economic Zone of the Philippines and part of the Philippine Waters are claimed by China, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, straddle some of the world's busiest commercial sea lanes.

The Philippine military has reported that a Chinese surveillance vessel and navy ships were seen unloading building materials and erecting posts in the vicinity of Iroquois Reef and Amy Douglas Bank an uninhabited undersea hill of the West Philippines Sea at  about 125 miles (230 kilometers) from south-western Palawan province. UNCLOS specified that the 200 Nautical Mile Economic Zone is part of the Philippine territory.

It is part of the Spratlys but well within the Philippines' 200-mile exclusive economic zone, the Philippine Foreign Affairs Department said.

The Chinese Embassy in Manila said in a brief statement that "the reported 'incursion of Chinese ships' is not true." But, it acknowledged the presence there of a Chinese marine research ship "conducting normal maritime research activities in the South China Sea."

Foreign Secretary Alberto del Rosario said any new construction by China in the area "is a clear violation" of a 2002 accord that China signed with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which includes the Philippines. It calls for countries to exercise restraint and stop occupying new areas in the disputed waters.

Two Philippine foreign affairs officials told reporters Thursday that local authorities have monitored about six aggressive acts of China in the Spratlys that have raised worries that Beijing may be embarking to fortify its territorial claims by constructing new structures on barren offshore areas.

Those acts included the reported firing last February by a suspected Chinese naval vessel to scare away Filipino fishermen from the Jackson Atoll in a Spratlys area part of the Philippine water, said the officials, who spoke anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject.

In March, the Philippines accused two Chinese patrol boats of harassing a Philippine oil exploration ship near Palawan. Last month, the Philippine air force reported that two unidentified foreign fighter jets had flown near a Spratly island occupied by Filipino troops but China denied sending the aircraft.

Chinese media have reported that Beijing plans to install an advanced oil rig in the West Philippine Sea of the South China Sea in July. The Philippines expressed concern and asked China's embassy last week about the exact location of the planned oil rig and said that it should not be placed in Philippine waters.

In April, China countered a previous Philippine diplomatic protest at the United Nations by saying it has indisputable sovereignty over the Spratly islands that Manila "started to invade" in the 1970s.

China's claim to the islands and nearby geographic features was detailed in a map submitted to the U.N. in 2009.

Vietnam and Malaysia have also filed protests to the United Nations against China's map. The protests are registered with the U.N. Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, which will not rule on a claim if it involves disputed territory unless there is prior consent given by all states involved in the dispute.


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